MAC: Mandolin Authority Certification Program
Planning on Selling or Buying an Instrument?
Request a MAC before Buying
Buying a high-end instrument on the internet is often a big decision and you can make it easier by having a reputable third party certify that is it in good playable condition and verifying the general condition.

Mandolin Authority Certification (MAC)
- Send in your mandolin family instrument to be checked out, tuned up, and evaluated.
- Enhance the playability of your instrument for your own enjoyment and peace of mind.
- Avoid problems and increase trust thereby increasing the resale value, and decreasing time on the market if you are planning to sell your mandolin.
- Sell your instrument while keeping your identity private and allowing us to talk to buyers. For instance, in the past we have been contacted by people who inherited an instrument, are not knowledgeable, but desire to market it.
Buying a high-end instrument on the internet is often a big decision and you can make it easier by having a reputable third party certify that is it in good playable condition and verifying the general condition.
Request a MAC before Buying
Bruce Weber is a recognized and trusted name resulting from over 30 years of building and repairing literally thousands of acoustic instruments. Players trust his work and appreciate his approachable style.
Montana Lutherie was recently contacted by a player who bought a used high end mandolin online. He paid for it, received it, but it had a crack in the top. The player had a feeling that the seller had heavily humidified the instrument making the top swell and hiding the crack while pictures were taken. He will never know for sure, but you shouldn’t have to guess when making a large investment in such an important purchase.
Bruce has worked on the worshipped Loar, to the humble import, and enjoys all brands in between.
How It Works:
- There is a $250.00 fee for instrument inspection plus shipping to and from the shop.
- Bruce will give it a thorough once-over: adjust the truss rod and action; check the bridge fit, nut and saddle slots, fret condition; put on a new set of strings. Many players are amazed what a difference a simple tune up can do.
- He will recommend any maintenance or other work if needed, estimate how much the work would cost, and obtain approval before any extra work is done.
- Note: If recommended work is declined it will be noted on the certificate.
- Finish will be described as Excellent, Fair, ‘has a lot of outdoor festival experience’.
- The above information will be notated on the MAC inspection certificate, and entered into our MAC data base.
- After obtaining your MAC we can advertise, sell, and ship your instrument from the Montana Lutherie shop. Or, we will send it back to you.
- Please read the simple Terms and Conditions concerning resale through the Montana Lutherie shop.
- If you have any questions about MAC and your particular instrument, don’t hesitate to call, email or contact Bruce. He loves to talk about this stuff.