“Things need fixing and tending no less than creating.”
Shop Class As Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work
- Rehabilitation
- Repair
- Tune Ups and Refrets
- Customization
- Inlay
- Installations such as pickups, pickguards, tailpieces, armrests
Players are always happy (and sometimes surprised) how a simple tune up (tweaking the nut, bridge, truss rod, and frets) can substantially improve their instrument’s tone and playability. Montana Lutherie has instituted our MAC Inspection Program and Mandolin Authority Club to encourage and assist you in getting the best out your mandolin.
Personalize your mandolin with Custom Inlay from a simple Truss Rod Cover, Fingerboard Addition, or even Peg Head Design. Check out our Galleries for inspiration.

Over the years, as time permitted, from Weber Mandolins and enjoying repair work, he took in many Flatiron mandolins, Gibson mandolins of all ages, plus the miscellaneous fiddle or banjo. Always wanting all Weber mandolins out there to look, sound and play as perfectly as possible he encouraged players to send them back to the shop for any needed work- sooner rather than later if an issue arose.
The first thing he does after opening the case of any mandolin, is pick up the instrument and take a big sniff! Sounds kind of funny, but he says he can always get a good idea of how the instrument has been treated. He then runs his hands over them, tunes them up listening, using all his senses to get familiar with the instrument.
Your instrument has been a big investment monetarily, but also in time and music, creating an intimate relationship which should be guarded.
If you are unsure what your local repair person is capable of, or their understanding of carved instruments, please consider contacting The Mandolin Authority to talk it over.